Thursday, June 3, 2010
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
Laguna Verde in Bolivia

The Laguna Verde is well known for its spectacular scenery and hot springs.

Wednesday, May 12, 2010
Beauty Of Morning Glory
No words this time?
No words.
No, there are times when nothing can be done.
Not this time.
Is it censorship?
Is it censorship?
No, it's evaporation.
No, it's evaporation.
Is this leading somewhere?
We're going down the lane.
Is this going somewhere?
Into the garden.
Into the backyard.
We're walking down the driveway.
Are we moving towards....
We're in the backyard.
...some transcendental moment?
It's almost light.
That's right.
That's it.
Are we moving towards some transcendental moment?
That's right.
That's it.
Do you think you'll be able to pull it off?
Yes. Do you think you can pull it off?
Yes, it might happen.
I'm all ears.
I'm all ears.
Oh the morning glory!
+ ---Leonard Cohen

Tuesday, March 16, 2010
Five of the World’s most dangerous rivers
The sight of a river fascinates everyone. We always think about a river as calm flowing water that brushes more than stones at the bottom of the river. May be we envision some fishes in it too. Whatever we think, not all the rivers are calm, and there are some dangerous rivers in the globe as well.
Let’s have a look at 5 of the World’s most dangerous rivers.
1. Amazon River

Amazon River: The first to top the list is the Amazon River. The Amazon River located in South America is the largest and most dangerous river in the world because of its length, width and sheer volume. It accounts for about 20% of the world’s river flow into the oceans. Because of its vast dimensions, it is sometimes called the River Sea. It is so big that there aren’t any two points which can be crossed by a bridge. It is more than 150 feet deep. During a flood season, the Amazon widens to cover its banks and the islands in the middle of the river. The Amazon River is known for high tidal waves as well.
2. Congo River

Congo River: The Congo River, earlier recognized as the Zaire River, is in Western Central Africa. It is Africa’s most powerful river and the second most voluminous river in the world. It is about 2992 miles long. The river is one among the dangerous ones because still it begins peacefully; it picks up speed and becomes turbulent until it enters the “Gates of Hell”, a 75 mile long canyon of treacherous rapids. There are about 32 cataracts, having as much power as all the rivers and falls in the United States. At the Upper Congo, the river ends with the Stanley waterfall, a 60 mile draw out of rapids.
3. Orinoco River

Orinoco River: The Orinoco River is the third longest river in South America and is about 1330 miles long and flows through Columbia and Venezuela. Huge tropical forests cover the southwestern parts and large portions are still virtually inaccessible. Over 200 rivers are tributaries to this mighty river. It begins at the Delgado Chalbaud Mountain and as the river passes the forested terrain and waterfalls it slows. Navigation on this part is through shallow dugout or canoe. Farther on, the waterfalls become rapids and are very difficult to navigate. It drains into the Atlantic Ocean. It often posts a threat to the people who live close to the river due to its coastal upwelling throughout the year.
4. Yangtze River

Yangtze River: The Yangtze River is the largest and longest river in Asia as well as China. It is about 3964 miles long and it finally empties into the East China Sea. With plenty of rainfall all year round, it is also called the Golden Watercourse. The river has gorges along its way which are known for its dangerous with fast-moving water also numerous shoals. At several points there are deceitful whirlpools and the waters are extraordinarily turbulent. The river is also known for its flooding and dams which have been constructed have proved to be of no use. The tides of the Yangtze River are much stronger and hence the flooding. It has always been a powerful source of electricity.
5. Brahmaputra River

Sunday, March 14, 2010
Deadly Avalanche Hits Afghanistan

Nearly 17 deadly avalanches hit Northern Afghanistan near Salang Pass killing more 160 people. Thousands of people were evacuated from this zone. The 60 year old Salang Tunnel is completely submerged and at least 300 vehicles are blocked. This is the only route which connects north Afghanistan to the south Afghanistan.
source: bigpicture
Saturday, February 27, 2010
The Destructive Process of Mountaintop Removal

Coal mining companies in West Virginia and Kentucky have had free picking of mountain tops to mine, with one located just 400 yards away from an elementary school. While pending legislation could make the process much harder, current law is built in their favor.

Step One: Clearing the Forest
After determining a location, mining companies begin by clearing the top of the mountain of all trees and softer topsoil. Since the valleys bellow will later be filled with rubble, they will often also clear the trees below.

Step Two: Blasting The Mountain
Using ammonium nitrate explosives, workers blast through up to 1,000 feet of the mountain in order to access coal seams. Dust, silica and chemicals rain on nearby communities during the blasting period, with residents often living within the “blasting zone.”

Step Three: Digging Through Debris
Once the surface of the mountain is obliterated with explosives, a team uses an enormous machine called a dragline excavator to move the rubble. The machines, which run up to $100 million, can hold the equivalent of 24 cars in its bucket, making the digging process quick and easy.

Step Four: Dumping Waste into Valley Fills
The waste is then dumped into neighboring valleys to create “valley fills.” The rubble, often laced with selenium, can still legally be dumped directly onto streams, thanks to a rule-change by the Bush administration. By 2001, 724 miles had been buried by valley fills.

Step Five: Removing & Washing the Coal
The coal acquired from mountaintop removal requires more extensive cleaning and processing than the coal from traditional bottom-up mines. The waste from the process — a thick black sludge — is then stored in makeshift reservoirs in nearby valleys which are known to leak into the water supply.

The Fight Against Mountaintop Removal
Organizations like Appalachian Voices, United Mountain Defense, and other local groups continue to fight for tougher regulations on mountaintop mining in Appalachia. Last month, a federal judge issued a promising ruling to require mountaintop mining permits to undergo a more stringent approval process.

Appalachian Voices has created multiple layers for Google Earth that explain and illustrate mountaintop mining in further detail. Using the tool, you can view videos on the process, tour “memorials” of fallen mountains, view the six steps in progress, and overlay mine sites on major cities to show their enormous size. For instructions on using the tool, visit
Saturday, February 20, 2010
Kashmir in Winter Pictures